Joliet Journal from Joliet, Montana (2024)

County Hospital Sanitarium Is a cated Now in Lo- the Church Building Doings of the Week in and About Our Town News Items That Are of Goneral Interest to Our Local Readers. THE OFFICERS of this Bank endeavor promote the interests of their customers along whatever lines it is procticable for them to do so. YOU ARE DOUBTLESS aware that the members of our concern are each personally responsihle for every obligation of the Bank. Bunked Joliet, MINIS AND Ariost. 4 MONSEN MOLE Lambert Tattley was a Billings visiMonday.

C. R. Sandback made a short trip to Billings, the first of the week. Mesdames Harry and Fred sojourning at Hunters Hot Springs, week. Mrs.

Terrance Riley and children went down to Billings, yesterday, where attended the Catholic mission meetat that place, today. Dolph Brekenridge, who recently recently returned from Sand Point, Idaho, been very ill with typhoid fever, is now able to get around again. The Rev. Father J. M.

Vermatt, parish priest of Carbon county, will hold services at Joliet, next Sunday, November 25, at 9 a.m. All are cordially invited. Mrs. Louie Menleson, nee Miss Headington, of Fromberg, made a trip to Red Lodge, via Joliet, today. She was accompanied from this place by Mrs.

Frank Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.

Buzzetti and little daughter of Fromberg, returned from Billings, Monday via Joliet. Mr. Buzzetti had been taking treatment at the magic city for his eyes, which had been giving him considerable trouble of late. 0. A.

Holly, who was so badly injured last week, by being kicked by a horse, returned from the Billings hospital last Monday. His jaw is still in, very bad condition, and he is still unable to talk, but is still hopeful that he will entirely recover from the injury. J. S. Hathaway, formerly of Gentry county, Missouri, but more recently Columbus, Montana, arrived at Joliet, Tuesday, to visit a few days with friends and relatives near town.

From here expects to return to his former residence in Missouri, to remain. Joliet has a new doctor in the person of D. N. Reber. M.

formerly Chicago, but more recently of Billings, who arrived at this place on Tuesday last. Just for the present the Doctor's office will be located in the building formerly occupied by the meat. market. D. H.

Morris has sold his cafe business at this place to J. W. Hagaman Fishtail. As the new proprietor already taken charge of the restaurant, this sale is not liable to prove a fluke, as did the sale recently made to Count Ito and Admiral Togo, the distinguished Japanese jugglers, who thus threatened to invade this territory. Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Hagaman, companied by their family, arrived Fishtail, last Monday, and, on the lowing Wednesday, took charge of Morris Cafe, which they have rechristened The Joliet Restaurant. Uuder the splendid management of and Mrs.

Morris, this popular caravansary has been a money-maker doubtless, the new management fully maintain its excellent reputation. Hon. John Blewett of Fromberg, boarded the East-bound train at last Sunday for Laurel, in order meet a bunch of 400 fine stock belonging to him that had been respectfully invite We your following: attention to the COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Deposits, Sept. 15, 1904 $1,363.28 Deposits, Sept. 15, 1905 $37,328.41 Deposits, Sept.

15, 1906 $77,613.89 Deposits, Nov. 15, 1906 $124,282.02 BANK OF JOLIET LEE SIMONSON, Pres. FRED KLINK, Vice Pres. C. E.

HUDSON, Cashier tled by that time will be collected by the Bank of Joliet, at which place all accounts may be found. Wm. I. Goff Chris. Jensen Bought Another Ranch.

The Hon. John Blewett, Carbon representative-elect, recently purchased Peter Miller's ranch, near Fromberg, for a good round consideration, and Mr. Miller proposes to remove to some point on the Western coast. This makes three fine ranches that Mr. Blewett has purchased in the celebrated Clarke Fork valley--rather substantial and convincing way of showing his faith in the future of this young commonwealth.

John is still shaking hands with himself on account of the handsome support given him by his neighbors at the late election. The vote in Fromberg precinct on representative, was Blewett 72, McCullough 29, Maryott 18. Death of D. W. Donaldson.

Mrs. Mary Harlan of this place, received a telegram on the 9th Inst. that her father had died, the night previous, at his home at DeSmet and requesting her to come Circumhome." stances were such that she could not reach there in time for his funeral, 80 she did not go. Through some mistake, these facts were omitted from last week's Journal. In addition to the obituary (which will be found in another column) the DeSmet Independent published the following item, last week: David W.

Donaldson, an old and respeted citizen of Spirit Lake township, departed this life Thursday, last at the family home. Funeral services were held Sunday at the home and the remains laid at rest in the McCaskell cemetery. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of all." A Good Testimonial. Many pleased customers is the result of always giving value received and dealing with a firm that has a reputation to sustain. The following letter is self-explanatory: Red Lodge, Oct.

24, 1906- Mr. F. P. Chamberlain, Joliet, Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt of suit of clothes ordered through you from Fred Kauffman, in Chicago. The suit is all right in every particular, ane am perfectly satisfied, and should I be where I can give you an order in the future for clothes you will surely get my business.

Hoping you will get all business you are justly entitled to, beg to remain, Yours Very Truly, W. W. Wright. Returned From Germany. Fred Cuno, who has been visiting his 'mother and numerous old friends in Germany, during the past six months, 'returned to his home at this place last Monday.

He reports having thoroughly enjoyed himself every minute of his visit, and he certainly looks it. Among l'other things he showed his German friends was how the Americans can shoot, winning several first prizes at the Teuton that took place while he was there. Like all ians, Mr. Cuno, upon his return, sincerely welcomed the sight of America, and after he had set foot upon the soil of his adopted land, the trains could 'not travel fast enough for him to again reach good, old Carbon county, Montana, to see the grand mountains and to breath again the life-giving ozone and, last but not least, to again greet his many friends in this, his future home. Fine Job Printing.

ELECTRIC POWER FOR JOLIET. Construction Work Begun, By the Jollet Electric Power to Furnish Power and Lights For Our Enterprising Littie City. That the recently incorporated town of Joliet will be provided with all modern conveniences, within the next year, seems almost a certainty. Aside from a complete system of water works which, we feel sure, our little municipality will establish and maintain within the next twelve months, a movement is now on foot to provide power house, just across Rock creek from the town, where electric power will be generated through a large Letfel turbine by the waters of the creek which will be led to the point where they will be utilized through a large ditch, or small canal. The capacity of the plant will be 500 horse power, to begin with, and it is proposed to furnish power and lights, or both, to all who will want anything of the kind.

Two acres of land have been purchased, upon which to build and operate the plant, nearly all the necessary right-of-way for the ditch has already been secured, and a force of men and teams are now at work on the proposition. It is estimated, by Messrs. E. H. Corle and C.

W. Forrester, the promoters of the enterprise, they will have the plant fully established and in full operation by the first of next June. OBITUARY From the DeSmet (S. Independent. David W.

Donaldson was born April 1st, 1826, in Orange county, New York; died Nov. 8th, 1906, in Kingsbury county, S. D. He was the son of James and Mary Donaldson, natives of Ireland. These parents came to America at an early date and, after living in the state of New York until about 1829, removed to New York city where their son, David spent the greater part of his early life.

He was the fourth of six children. At the age of 22 he went to Michigan, thence to Wisconsin, and from there to Iowa, locating at Dubuque, where he worked for some time as a miner. Leaving that city he purchased half-section of Iowa land which he eultivated for eight years, and in 1855 moved to Minnesota. On May 7th, he enlisted in Company 12th United States Infantry with which he served three years, during which he participated in a number of battles and minor engagements, including among others the second battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Mine Run, and the bloody actions in the Wilderness. Mr.

Donaldson was honorably discharged in 1865 with the rank of corporal, after which he returned to Minnesota where he lived until when he moved to Kingsbury county, S. locating in Spirit Lake township. He was a charter member of the Grand Army of the Republic at DeSmet. In 1848 Mr. Donaldson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Clark, who was born in Allegheny county, New York, Dec.

3rd, 1832. He is survived by an aged sister, wife and family of grown children and a large number of grand-children. Old Pioneer Called to Rest. News was received here this week of the death of Camille LeBrun formerly a resident of the Eastside but recently of Bear Creek. Mr.

LeBrun died at Great Falls, his demise being caused by typhoid fever contracted at Bear Creek. Blankets and Comforters Are among the winter necessities that we are interesting our many customers in at present. Why shouldn't we when we offer them. A Good Cotton Blanket at 60c Larger ones, Gray, Tan and White at 75 95c Extra large and heavy, at $1.25. $1.65, $1,95 and.

$2.50 All Wool, in Gray, at $3.50 Better Ones, for. $4.95 Extra Heavy, $5.50, $5.95 $7.95 A Good Comfort can be had $1.25 Better Ones, at $1.50, $1.75 and $1.95 Extra Heavy and Large, $2.63, $2.98 and $3.48 REMEMBER, YOU CAN DO BETTER AT THE BIG, CASH STORE, THE GOLDEN RULE Red Lodge, Mont. from Meagher county. He expects to feed them upon his Bluewater ranch. this winter until such time as they will be in condition to place upon the market.

A few stock cattle and plenty of alfalfa hay, comes next to a nice, fat bank account. Both are very satisfactory holdings. The people of Fromberg are ing an enjoyable time at their coming Thanksgiving dance, to be giving on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 28th. Preparations are being made to have a regular "ringdinger" of a time. A fine supper will be served at the Valley hotel, and the pleasureseekers will keep time to the sweet strains of music furnished by the celebrated Joliet Military Band orchestra.

An elaborate, poster is now being gotten out for the occasion, at this office. E. V. Preston, of Red Lodge, representing the Picket, was gleaning suitable matter, at this place this week, for that enterprising newspaper's big New Year edition, to be issued about January 1st. It is proposed to issue 10,000 copies of the edition, and it will be composed of 36 pages of historical, biographical and descriptive matter pertaining to Carbon county--its history, its people and its matchless resources.

Coming, as it will, from an office with a well- earned reputation for doing things about right," the Journal expects a finished product that will be a credit to its originators and the people of this, the most promising young county in the great state of Montana. Grand Thanksgiving Ball. A grand Thanksgiving ball will be given at the Joliet opera honse on Thanksgiving night, Thursday, November 29th. The best of music has been secured and a good supper will be provided. All are invited.

kidneys and liver. and A8 a result afford the DeWitt's Kidney Bladder Pills net on both an excess of uric acid. Such troubles dit rheumaquickest relief from those troubles tism, lieved back few doses sciatica, of this modern are quickly remedy for rea the kidneys. Sold by Joliet Drug Co. NOTICE.

Drs. Lindsay and Arnold, specialists on the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, surgery and gynecology, will be at the Southern hotel," Joliet, on Saturday, December 1st. Eyes examined free. To protect the little ones and for the information and satisfaction of mothers the contents of each bottle of that wonderful children's remedy; CAscasweet, have been placed on every label, Cascasweet is a harmless compound of vegetable extracts that is wonderful in its beneficial effects on the stomachs of babies and children. mended and sold by Joliet Drug Co.

BIBLE CIRCLE MEETING. of has A meeting of the Bible Circle will be. held at the Church, at Joliet, on Sat. Nov. 24, 1906, at 2:30 p.

m. Free to Women. Our handsome catalog of Women's Cloaks, Suits and Skirts sent free on request, showing all the latest styles. We manufacture our goods and sell direct to customers. Every garment sent subject to examination.

Write now. Order Garment Co. 508 Century Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Regular Church Meetings.

The Rev. J. W. Forgerty at his services held here on Tuesday last gave notice that he will come down to hold a mission in Joliet, commencing the first Monday in December. The subject of the mission is to explain the teachings and practices of the Church, and to try and awaken interest in religious matters.

Additional notice will be given in our next issue. Council Meeting. The first meeting of the Joliet city council will be held next Monday night when, it is expected, their first lot of city ordinances will be brought up and passed, and the Mayor's appointments will be acted upon. It is expected that there will be at least one or two propositions made to provide electric lights and water works for the city, at this meeting. Notice, Dissolution of Partnership.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Wm. I. Goff and Chris. Jensen, doing business under the firm name of Goff Jensen is this day disolved by mutual consent. All accounts against the firm and all accounts due, should be settled by Dec.

1, 1906. All accounts not set- Thanksgiving Will soon be here, with Prosperity and Good Cheer Better prepare for it by coming to our store and selecting what material you will need for that Turkey Dinner, from our Big Stock. We can furnish most anything you will want at the Lowest Prices. Baker lowering SAVES YOU MONEY The M. Buffet Monahan Mathwis JOLIET, MONT.

from folthe since Mr. and, will Joliet, to: cattle driven AND CARPETS Joliet Trading EVERYTHING.

Joliet Journal from Joliet, Montana (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.