Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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Btriitu 7allf ruorh Vtwt THURSDAY MOftMIN WICHITA PAILS TIXAP Pa9e20ABOth Sides Rest In Alabama Trial Of Three Klansmen Wichifans Get Zionist Honors and the three defendants at a revolver handed him by Thom- as and that Eaton also fired at the car with a 22-caliber revolver Rowe who said he was paid by the FBI to Join the Klan and gather information had told the jury also that the empty shell casings from the gun used by Wilkins were thrown out of the car window along the highway Partirlre Of Glass The final government witness was an FBI laboratory expert Richard Flack He testified that the lead removed from the slain Detroit civil rights worker's body contained tiny particles of glass and so did three other bullet fragments found in the car The indictment against the three Klansmen accuses them of conspiring to violate constitutional rights of Mrs Liuzzo and others who participated in the march and docs not specifically charge them with the slaying However all three men were indicted in state court for murder and Thomas and Eaton are still awaiting trial on those charges Wilkins has been acquitted on the murder Three Wichitsns were honored at the 68th Southwest Regional Convention of the Zionist Organization Of America in San Antonio Friday through Monday Marvin Rubin was reelected and Marvin Spivak newly elected to the executive board of the organization Max Kruger was elected to the hoard of directors of the Kafar Silver Zoa Agricultural Training Institute in Israel fer Silver is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is expected to reach an enrollment of 750 students All students attend on scholarship two or three of which are fornlshed by Wichita Fhlls residents annually Marvin Spivak was made chairman of the North Texas and Panhandle District for the organization's membership drive Kruger and Rubin were presented the Distinguished Service Award for their efforts and their interest in the State of Israel and their fellow man Former Wichita Falls resident Sol Siickman made the awards The organization passed a resolution giving a vote of confidence to United States government action in Viet Nam LOANED WHEELCHAIR Mrs KODerts of 409 Travis is shown in wheelchair given her by Modern Woodmen of the World The WOW chapter loans wheelchairs to persons needing them Left to right are Nathan Bird president 3912 Woodmen Mrs Fred Willis president 6487 Grove Mrs Roberts and Sidney Cox incoming president WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR -These maps based on information released Wednesday by the Weather Bureau ahow expected temperatures and precipitation for the month of December (AF Wirephoto Map) Ml) Building Funds Granted 4 Locations to Sorvo You 1906 9th Street 2702 Iowa Fork Road 4114 Call Fitld Road 402w Park-lowa Park filling station In Montgomery it the climax of the civO rights march from Selma to Montgomery last March 25 It was a few hours later that Mrs Liuzzo was shot to death while driving her car back along US 80 the route of the march Heard Remark I lodge an electrical company employe laid he heard Rowe remark that "I didn't drive this far for nothing These soldiers be here all night Somebody's going to get it before the night is Regular Army troops and National Guardsmen were on duty during the Selma-to-Montgom-ery march Rowe already has been asked on the stand whether he had made the 'statement attributed to him by Hodges He denied it Hanes also sought to prove that a young Negro who was riding with Mrs Liuzzo had told officers that the shots were fired from a 1955 model Ford Two law enforcement officer aid they heard the Negro make that statement Rowe had said the Klansmen were riding in a 1962 model Chevrolet owned by Thomas Premise Of Land Roton also testified that after the Klansmen were arrested he heard Rowe say that the FBI had promised him 500 acres of land and enough money to last him the rest of hi life if he would say that the accused i Klansmen killed the woman Again Rowe already had denied making such a remark Hanes asked to be allowed to call the chief government attorney Doar as a witness but US Dist Judge Frank Johnson Jr rejected the request Hanes said he wanted to question Doar "to show that he is primarily interested in prosecuting the Kn Klux Mrs Liuzzo mother of five and wife id a Teamsters Union official Anthony Luizzo was shot to death in Lowndes County Bullet Traced The government rested its case with testimony by an FBI expert that a bullet found at the base of Mrs brain was fired from a 38-caliber revolver which was found in a car owned by Mrs Thomas wife of one of the defendants The witness Marion Williams of Washington told the white jury that empty shell casings found along the highway near the scene of the killing also were fired by that gun Rowe had testified earlier that the young crew-cut Wilkins pulled the trigger using a 38 about one-third of the building's total cost which win be about $2373000 State appropriation provided about $1738000 Franklin said The building is scheduled to be completed the early part of April 1966 General contractor is Reid-Ross Co A Division or City Product! Corporation SPECIALS GOOD IN ALL STORES THRU SATURDAY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! The $635169 federal grant for Midwestern science building now under construction has been approved by the Office of Education Rep Graham Purcell's office said here Wednesday The funds win be used for construction and equipping the building which is about 75 per cent completed said Charles Franklin MU business manager The grant was approved several months ago by the State Commission on High Education now called Coordinating Board Texas College and University System then sent to Washington The federal grant provides All stores open 8 am to 9 pm SntofUy All Stores Open Sunday 7U0HT MULTIPLE SET New Zealand Mints Last Coins Of Series OTTAWA (AP) The New Zealand High Commission announced Canadian coin collectors wanting souvenir sets of New last minting under the pound s-shillings-pence system must order soon lr il warty ratorari and a fK dSV dapaadabla! ana gara Mil A a set By REX THOMAS MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) Government and defense attorneys both rested in the civil rights trial of three Ku Wuz Klansmen Wednesday and the fate of the three men arrested in the killing of a civil rights worker was headed for an all-white jury Federal attorneys concluded presentation of their testimony shortly before the noon 1 recess and defense attorney Arthur Hanes took only an hour and 20 minutes to put on 10 witnesses in behalf of the defendants The Klansmen Collie Leroy Wilkins Jr 22 of Fairfield Ala and Eugene Thomas 42 and William Orville Eaton 41 both of Bessemer Ala are charged with violating the civil rights of American citizens in the killing of Viola Gregg Liuz-so a Detroit housewife who had come to Alabama to help Negroes in their struggle for voting rights Statements Introduced Hanes seeking to counteract the testimony of a key prosecution witness that the United Klans of America are dedicated to preservation of white supremacy by violence if necessary brought statements from other Klan members that the hooded organization does not advocate lawlessness But when they were cross-examined by Asst Atty Gen John Boar the Klan members said they did not know just who belonged to the organization (hie of them Ralph Roton who said he devotes much of his time to investigative work as a member of what he called the "Klan Bureau of Investigation1 sold he didn't know whether the defendants belonged to the Klan although he said he was acquainted with the men A Klan titan Robert Thomas also said he had known Eugene Thomas Wilkins and Eaton for some time Likewise he said he 1 did not know whether they be- longed to any of the klavemi under his jurisdiction As titan he said he had charge of all klaverns in Jefferson County Main Goals Robert Thomas testified that I the Klan does not advocate vio-i lence that it opens its meetings with pledge to God and coun-i and that one of Its main goals is to promote the "wop ship of our Through that witness Hanes also sought to portray another Klans man Gary Thomas Rowe Jr as a racial troublemaker who sought to put the blame on others Rowe Is the former Birmingham bartender who told the jury Tuesday that young ins killed Mrs Kiuzzo and that the other two defendants also were present Rowe said he joined the Klan as a paid undercover agent for the FBI and that he also was present when the Detroit housewife was slain Carried Gua The Klan titan told the jury that during one trip to Montgomery Rowe carried a gun but that three other Klansmen including the titan were unarmed He said they had received instructions from superiors in the Klan to refrain from carrying weapons of any kind The witness said Rowe repeatedly made angry remarks about the Negro demonstrators and at ona time said has got to be done about these folks All you two guys do is Another defense witness Jesse Hodges said he saw Rowe I 197 ts-uoHTcry nasHiNO iamps MULTIPLE SET SET S-UOHT GIFT WRAP by Dennison 3-ROLL BOX Uaat printed wrap to guy rioiifM and YOUICHOKI MULTIPLE SET SURPLUS CITY'S Ttiay brigMaa Karen yaar Iraal dig fartaaan i i- 3 SOO SS a 101" uiiiiMMamoM (302)7 MULTIPLE SET 4 SIT 6-ROLL BOX REPLACEMENT LAMPS! 1 -OeL Ben-lont WHITE TISSUE FOLDS 16c Sa osy to wrap packogas for lb tnfira family! Each boa contains 6 auortod roils in charming Holiday Prints YOUR CHOICE Papar26x600 Foil 26" sox 77i PRICES GOOD THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY 3202 ARCHER FREE PARKING COLEMAN ICE CHESTS Thermos Lock Foam Tough Wolded Stool Seamless Flip Opan Drain-Rustproof Royalito Bast No 5214-7-Gal Size QJ i 1593 Valuo OoTO 1 1 No 5215-14-Gal Sizo 2235 Valuo THE PERFECT GIFT SUGGESTION jTk prey JUMBO ROLLaP TREE ORNAMENTS swag Dozslinfl solid colon and fancy daiigni and sheptf They add so much sparkle to your trao to 2 soSd coiorad bulbs and 2'A fancy btrib LOW PRICE CURLING RIBBON 3-ROLL BOX OOc 300 TOTAL tid BOX Air Customers Up A record-breaking number of passengers boarded Brsniff International flights in Wichita Falls in October Stahler district sales manager said Wednesday A total of 2693 passengers reflected a 201 per cent increase over the same month last year ELECTRIC BLANKET (Bdp 6-ROLL BOX 600 TOTAL Double Bed Single Postal Celors-1 Year Guarantee SH17 BOX Sava Herel Lsox TO STAR BOWS 1295 Valuo Slick on bocks so oaiy to drau up packagti with thM bowil Atony colon and color combinolioni it utoa TREE STAND WE RENT OR SEU HOSPITAt SEDI COMMODI CHAUS WHEEl CHAUS FATIfNT WALK FtS PATIENT SIFTERS SUCTION PUMPS CRUTCHES PULLOVER HOOD SWEATSHIRTS 29' GLAZE-TEX COTTON 37 7 BOWS IN PKG PKO SPARKLE-TEX COTTON 59- ws tyluk CG 12 BOWS IN BOX Doublt Thick Drawstring Hood-Full Fltaco Lined Body-Navy Black Rod Gun Metal-Hunter's Orange Sizes S-M-LXL 295 Values wmh iy ANGEL HAIR 39' EQUIPMENT 6 SUPPIIES 201S Ninth 723-4392 SICK ROOM rw-iya FLASHER PLUG 39' ROCKET TAPE rVjf V-Boon 23c YALUE JL 1 "SASHEEN" RIBBON Vs47MaglcSawlMan to airariid cator Mato B-902 MEN'S SPLIT FUR HOOD 9 PARKAS Water Repellent Sateen Shell-Wool Filled Quilted Lining 34-Inch Length- Charcoal or 0D- $1187 I 1995 Valuo SN0-FL0K KIT ItdMi Mgu Ttolilrajra JgggLa rUNfe Hf vwngniMH irw inpif ttoctod to mawy wMn ar a draa- gga ga Rg flft MiinaglM IS 1 VWtof IOIOTi Iff If yWIVnl to VW Ml arirti any adwvrt typa aacnw daannr KN caaiM at "Sna- gLH gyg gggglgJ tokallg kaAMg PMt toBEIM ptoWa gtolrRi gug Mari kgg af raUd and a rat af JUMBO REEL a 127 big yardasa vabt rdb Mato kaR Say gactogra gayar wMi tot afkktora mg pravinw nmg U)id)iifl falls (Hints Ah Anniversary Edition STILL AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GRANDCHILDREN OR FOR YOUI The demand has beea (real alace we published ttii edition but we printed eisuh cepire for yea to save sa year children's children can read first hand their aura hametewa history a 286-page history eempfeto with eld pictaree af 50 years age and mare! Very attractively wrapped la blue and gold for mailing or to put away SOc for mailing 25c acresa the counter AT TIMES SQUARE 13th I LAMAR PHONE 767-8341 If ROUS IM1 TOTU RIS30N JUMPER CABLES Don't Got Caught With Your Battery Down-2 Complete 8-Ft Cables for Set- 6 or 12 Volt Batteries TAGS SEALS taraly ten raab a4 carrii wM doming hal-day waM tor aR yaar gift-wrapping sand pST SNO-ROtCBEFILL 195 Value 97 ICICLES Add maUag gtoawar la yaw trad No 205 INSULATED BOOT CHRISTMAS CARDS SwniaranatsrMb 25c VAUII PKO Coy darigra oad ddlgMM graadng a Ma yto card AS wMl aaratogra 9 Inchos-Moc Toe-Cheyenne Rawhide-Waterproof Gloved Tanned Leather Lining With Unicell Goodyear Welt Stool Shank 15-95 Valuo UaSM 87 £ut33' PKO SIM VALUE 49c VALUE mw Tiaras Braird Nnra Is Pan? UrtdNto.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.